According to Flora of China, about 35 oak species (not including the Section Cyclobalanopsis) are recorded in China with distribution extending from the Himalayas in the west to the island of Taiwan in the east, reaching north to northeastern China and south to Hainan Island. In this section, we are happy to share the beautiful oak trees, leaves and their habitat during our sampling from 2012 to date, including 2591 photos for 27 species from 20 provinces in China.

The following map“Distribution of oaks in China”shows the information of the oak species in seven regions of China with the number of species in each region in the bracket.

                              Distribution of oaks in seven regions of China (NEC, NC, MEC, SC, IMXP, YGP, QTP)


                                                                        Last update: July of 2021


We thank Dr. Bin Liu (Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Science, China); Dr. Yingchao Li (Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China); Prof. Jianquan Liu (Lanzhou University, China) for individual identification; graduate and undergraduate students from BFU for sampling, sorting and recording the sampling, they are: master student: Jia Song (2013-2016); Yuyao Wang (2015-2018); Yuan Liu (2015-2018); Yuejuan Li (2017-2020); Tianrui Wang (2017-2020); Wei Su (2018-2021); Yang Xu (2018-2021); Keke Liu (2019-2022); PhD candidate: Yanjun Luo (2022-) and PhD candidate: Min Qi (2021-).